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Building & Zoning

How do I schedule inspections?

To schedule an inspection please call the township office 717-632-0320.   Inspections must be scheduled 24 hours in advance.

How long does it take to process a permit?
Building & Zoning permits take approximately 2 weeks.
Where can I find information on the construction of decks?
Do I need a permit for a yard sale?
Yes, a $5.00 permit is required.   Yard sales are permitted 2 times a year for 3 consecutive days.
Can I have chickens in my backyard?
If you own ½ an acre or more you are permitted to have chickens. Please call the Township to discuss the quantity of chickens permitted as well as other requirements.   A noncommercial keeping of livestock permit is required. Ordinance #01-2014.
Do I need a permit to do work to my driveway?
The Township does not require permits for sealing or direct replacement. A zoning permit is required for additions, stone to asphalt and new driveway.
Do I need a permit?
Zoning and building permits are required for all new and altered structures, equipment, and change of any structure or land use. This includes fences, driveways, decks, sheds, pools, and patios and any mechanical, electrical and plumbing work.

Code Enforcement

Will the Township locate my property corners or lines?
No, the township does not locate property corners or lines.   We suggest trying to find the corner pins with a metal detector or contacting a surveying company.
Where can I get a dog license?
Dog licenses are available at the Nature’s Pet Place & Jocelyn’s Puppies. For more information visit: York County Treasurer’s Office.
What is Pennsylvania’s Dog Law?
Pennsylvania’s Dog Law states that all dogs over 3 months of age must be licensed by January 1 of each year. All dogs must be under control. This means that when your dog is not on your property, it must be under the direct control of you or a handler. The best way to control a dog is with a leash. Remember, dogs are personal property. You are responsible for any damage caused by your dog.
Who can I contact if I have agricultural concerns?
  • State Department of Agriculture 717-787-4737
  • York County Department of Agriculture 717-346-3223
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture 833-ONE-USDA
Can I park my camper/RV/boat in my driveway?
The storage of one vehicle is permitted in any yard area as long as no portion is located in public right-of-way, on or above any public sidewalk or easement or within a distance of 5 feet from adjoining property lines. The storage of a second recreational vehicle shall be permitted if the gross lot size is equal or greater than ½ acre.  The second vehicle shall be permitted only in side/rear yard.  Ordinance #01-2014
My neighbors grass is high. Can you make them mow?
The maximum height of grass permitted is 12 inches. Please contact the Code Enforcement Officer with concerns and property address.  We will explain the procedure and start the process to bring a property into compliance.   Ordinance #09-2009
How long after a snowfall do I have to clear the sidewalks?
Snow and ice must be removed from sidewalks within 24 hours after the snow has ceased to fall and/or ice formed.  No person removing snow or ice from a public sidewalk or removing snow or ice from any portion of the property shall deposit such snow or ice in or upon any public street. Ordinance #07-2010


Can you test my well or spring water?
Water analysis kits are available at the Township Office for free.   Instructions are included in the kit.  It is the homeowners’ responsibility to collect the samples and deliver them to the Lab.  The kits will ensure your well water is free of contaminants and safe for consuming.
Who owns and operates the public sewer system?
York Water Company at 717-845-3601.
Who owns and maintains the public water system?
York Water Company at 717-845-3601.
How do I contact York Water after hours?  
After-hours emergencies:  717-848-2984
How often do I have to pump my septic system?
West Manheim Township requires the inspection and pumping of all septic tanks in the Township, once every four (4) years.  Ordinance #02-2020.

Public Works

Who should I contact about speed enforcement issues on my road?
The West Manheim Township Police Department handles traffic enforcement.  You may call or email the Police Department directly : Contact Information
I live in a new development. Why doesn’t the Township Public Works Department plow my road?
When development occurs, the developer maintains ownership of all the roads within the subdivision until 90% of the homes have been completed.  At that point, the developer requests a final walk through and a punch-list is created.  After the punch-list is complete, the wearing or top coat is applied to road surface and the road is offered to the Township as a public street.  The Township is not responsible to maintain roads that have not been dedicated.
Does the Public Works Department pick up dead animals along the road?

The Township Public Works Department does not pick up dead animals.

However, if a deer is found along the road, please contact the PA Game Commission at 814-643-1831 or 814-643-9635.

What is the width of a Township Right of Way?
The minimum width is 33 feet; however you should contact the Township regarding your specific road as right of way widths do vary within the Township.
How do I dispose of leaves & brush in the Township?

The Township offers curbside collection of brush in the spring and fall.   The Public Works Department also performs curbside leaf collection in the fall.  Visit our website, like us on Facebook or sign up to receive an emailed copy of our newsletter to be notified of the dates for these programs each year.

Throughout the year, brush and limbs can be disposed of at H & H General Excavating Company located at 660 Old Hanover Road in Spring Grove.

Penn Waste will also accept tied bundles of limbs.

Trash & Recycling

What do I do with large items?
Penn Waste allows for one bulk item weekly. Please contact them or visit their website to schedule the pickup and verify it is an acceptable item.
How do I dispose of paint cans?
Allow the paint residue to dry in the can or place kitty litter in it to absorb the leftover paint.  When the can is dry, you can throw the cans out in your regular garbage.
Do I need to separate my recyclables?
West Manheim Township has a “single stream” system.   This means that all acceptable recyclables can be placed in the same container. For a full list of recyclable items visit the Penn Waste website.
Where can I take old electronics?
Old electronics can be recycled at Penn Township’s recycling center located at 1020 Wilson Avenue Hanover, PA.  The hours of operation are Monday-Friday 8:00am – 4:15pm and Saturday 8:00am – 3:00pm.  They can also be taken to York County Solid Waste Authority the third Saturday of the month between 9:00am- 1:00pm.  York County Solid Waste is located at 2700 Black Bridge Road York, PA 17402.  The following items are acceptable: TV’s, Computers,  Stereos, Microwaves, Fax Machines, VCRs, Printers, Telephones, Remote Controls, etc.
How do I dispose of grass clippings?
Grass clipping can go right in your regular garbage for pick up.
How do I dispose of my Christmas Tree?
Penn Waste offers the removal of Christmas Trees. Please check our website or Penn Waste’s website for the specified dates.
Where can I dispose of old medicine?
Doff off of old prescription drugs can be done at the Township Office, 2412 Baltimore Pike.  Drop off must be done during normal lobby hours Monday-Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm except holidays. The following items are accepted at this drop off location: prescription and over-the-counter solid medications, tablets, capsules, liquid medications, inhalers, creams, patches, ointments, nasal sprays, and pet medications.  Intravenous solutions, injectables, and needles are NOT accepted.  Medicines should be in a sealed container such as original bottle or zip lock bag.  Please remove or black out personal information on medicine bottles as a precaution.
Can I get a trash bin and recycling bin at the Township Building?
No, you must contact Penn Waste directly. They will deliver the totes to your residence.
Who is the Township Trash provider and how to I set up service?
West Manheim is contracted with Penn Waste for trash removal.  Their phone number is (717) 767-4456 and website:

Tax Collection

What taxes does York Adams Tax Bureau (YATB) collect?
YATB is the appointed tax collector of payroll related taxes for West Manheim Township. This includes the Earned Income Tax (EIT) and Local Service Tax (LST). For more information please visit or call (717) 845-1584.
What are the Tax Collector’s hours of operation?
Tuesday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm and Thursday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm (Closed for lunch 1:00 to 2:00).  The tax office is closed for holidays.  Please click for additional hours for deadline.
What is the Tax Collector’s telephone number?
What taxes does the elected Tax Collector collect?
The Township Tax Collector collects taxes for three separate entities.   They are South Western School District, York County and West Manheim Township.  The Tax Collector collect the real estate taxes for all three entities and the Township per capita tax.  Delinquent Real Estate taxes are turned over to the York County Tax Claim Bureau at year end.


Who is the District Justice and where is the office located?
Magisterial District Judge Jeffrey Sneeringer, 717-632-0618, 20 Wayne Avenue, Hanover, PA.
How do i find out about upcoming elections or my polling location?  
Visit the Board of Elections website or call them at 717-771-9604.
Who is the State Senator, and how can I contact them?
The State Senator is Kristin Phillips-Hill.  Her offices are located in Harrisburg & Jacobus.  She can be reached at 717-741-4648 or 717-787-7085.
Who is the State Representative, and how can I contact them?
The State Representative is Kate A. Klunk. Her phone number at the Hanover Office is (717) 630-8942 and her email is The Hanover Office is located at 118 Carlisle Street Suite 300 Hanover, PA 17331.